Over the years we have compiled a number of resources relating to ageing in Belize, and issues related to those who work with and care for older Belizeans. If there are resources you think would be helpful to add to the list on the right, please contact us.
The time to plan and to act is now
In all countries, and in developing countries in particular, measures to help older people remain healthy and active are a necessity, not a luxury.
Ageing is a privilege and a societal achievement. It is also a challenge, which will impact on all aspects of 21st century society. It is a challenge that cannot be addressed by the public or private sectors in isolation: it requires joint approaches and strategies.
Facts about ageing
- In 2000, there were 600 million people aged 60 and over; there will be 1.2 billion by 2025 and 2 billion by 2050.
- Today, about two thirds of all older people are living in the developing world; by 2025, it will be 75%.
- In the developed world, the very old (age 80 ) is the fastest growing population group.
- Women outlive men in virtually all societies; consequently in very old age, the ratio of women/men is 2:1.